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Ververica Cloud, a fully-managed cloud service for stream processing!

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Ververica Runtime Assembly

The Cloud Native Engine Revolutionizing Apache Flink®

Tailored for the Seamless Support of Data Movement, Real-time Stream Processing, and the Streaming Lakehouse.


Meet the engine built to optimize stream processing.

Three Pillars = One Powerful Engine

VERA is the heart of Ververica’s Streaming Data Platform, functioning as the engine that operationalizes streaming data and optimizes open source Apache Flink. VERA allows you to connect, process, analyze, and govern your data in one ultra-high performance streaming data solution. Created to solve both batch and real-time streaming use cases, VERA makes it easy for you to harness insights from your data at any scale.

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VERA's Three Core Pillars

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Streaming Data Movement

From Source to Sink.

Absorb your data into a unified format, making it easily accessible and actionable. VERA connects, processes, and analyzes your data through the entire data lifecycle, transforming events into a uniform data set in real-time.

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Real-time Stream Processing

Get the Power of Now. 

Take action and make decisions with data faster. VERA supports continuous processing for both batch and real-time pipelines. 

Stop waiting for data to catch up, access your data the moment it becomes available and extract instant meaning and insights that drive business outcomes. 

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Streaming Lakehouse (Streamhouse)

Who said Data Lakes have to be slow? 

Data Lakes are cost efficient and slow, while real-time data is fast and expensive. Get the best of both worlds and make informed decisions using both current and historical data. 

VERA offers real-time and near real-time stream processing in one powerful engine, delivering Lakehouse as a cost-effective stream.

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Features and Benefits



Ultra-high performance VERA is up to 2x faster than open source Apache Flink®*. VERA scales to support billions of events per second with data processing delays reduced to the millisecond level.


Cost Efficiency

VERA is more cost-efficient than running your own Flink clusters, with reports of 40% lower TCO than alternative Apache Flink solutions. Pay only for the resources and deployment you choose. 


Elastically Scale

With separate compute and storage layers, never worry about insufficient disk space or I/O performance. Scale up, down, out and in, meeting demand while balancing cost.


100% Apache Flink Compatibility

VERA is open core, built by the original creators of Apache Flink, guaranteeing no vendor lock-in, ever. 


Always Available

VERA supports 99.9% SLA, job updates with 0 downtime, and the ability to rescale jobs and change rules mid-flight.


Fault Tolerant

No single point of failure ensures reliable, uninterrupted operations. VERA adds ease and stability to your data streaming solutions.

Get Started

Introduction to VERA

Watch Ben Gamble (Ververica's Field CTO) as he shares his thoughts on VERA and the three core pillars, including what capabilities and benefits VERA offers for businesses like yours. Solve infinite streaming data use cases with Ververica, the original creators of Apache Flink.



Learn More

Blog Series

Read the three-part blog series: VERA: The Cloud-native Engine Revolutionizing Apache Flink.


Access VERA documentation.


VERA playlist on YouTube featuring Field CTO Ben Gamble.

Get Started

Get VERA's capabilities now in Ververica Cloud.

Read more about VERA

Subscribe to our blog and be the first to get new installments of the three-part blog series: VERA: The Cloud Native Engine Revolutionizing Apache Flink.

VERA in Ververica Cloud

Access VERA's capabilities in our fully-managed cloud deployment. Get started for free with $400 credits. 
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Pay As You Go

  • No payment details required to start
  • Flexible - pay only for what you use
  • Scale up or down automatically without overprovisioning of resources
  • Unlimited Number of Workspaces, Storage, and Private Connections
  • Unlimited Network Traffic** 
  • $400 kickstart credit
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Reserved Capacity

  • Allocated compute units tailored for production-ready mission-critical applications
  • Available in different Compute Unit (CU) bundles
  • Unlimited Number of Workspaces, Storage, and Private Connections
  • Unlimited Network Traffic** 

*as validated by our Nexmark benchmark tests

**Network transfer is billed separately and according to usage. 

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