Flink SQL has emerged as the de facto standard for low-code data analytics. It has managed to unify batch and stream processing while simultaneously staying true to the SQL standard. In addition, it provides a rich set of advanced features for real-time use cases.
Ververica Platform makes Flink SQL even more accessible and efficiently scalable across teams. The platform comes with additional tools for developing SQL scripts, managing user-defined functions (UDFs), catalogs and connectors, as well as operating the resulting long-running queries.
Ververica Platform lets you write, deploy & manage Flink SQL queries in your browser - either through our purpose-built web editor or via Jupyter extension.
Both are based on a REST API that allows you to integrate Flink SQL into your own applications without including any dependencies to Apache Flink.
With Ververica Platform, your catalogs and connectors are managed centrally and available to all members of that namespace.
Ververica Platform comes with its own generic, persistent catalog and supports external catalogs like the Hive Metastore.
Ververica Platform made Flink Operations more efficient, scalable, and secure from day one. Flink SQL in Ververica Platform ties into the well-established concepts and abstractions of the platform and enables you to manage continuous SQL queries like any other Flink job.